Facebook Ads Agency

Meet your customers with Facebook Ads.

Reach your target audience with tailored ads and gain more leads thanks to Facebook's powerful analytics tools. Connect with your potential customers and grow your business!

Facebook Ads Agentur

Do you know your target audience in the Facebook world?

Determining the market and target customers.

To develop a successful Facebook Ads strategy, we first define your market and target customer base. We create detailed digital marketing plans to reach the right target audience on the Facebook Ads platform.

Facebook ad placements and tactics.

We make sure you reach the right audience and increase your brand awareness through the right ad placements. As your digital marketing agency, we know that your target audience may be active on multiple channels and we focus on the audience we can reach with Facebook Ads.

Create compelling visuals.

We combine creativity and digital marketing technologies to capture the attention of your B2B audience with our design work to support your Facebook Ads strategies. We create rich content that fits the overall attitude of the Facebook Ads platform and accurately reflects your brand.

Improving results for success.

We measure and improve Facebook Ads results to keep your sales team moving in the right direction. We report on the results we get to improve our campaigns, and as your Facebook Ads agency, we use those reports as a foundation for our future work.

Facebook Ads Solutions

Grow your business with the power of Facebook Ads

Facebook is the largest social media platform with more than 2 billion active users worldwide. For B2B companies, this is a great opportunity to reach potential customers. However, it is important to remember that advertising on Facebook is a complex process and an experienced Facebook Ads agency is needed to implement the right strategy.

Facebook advertising channels are great lead generation tools for B2B companies, creating awareness for valuable leads that are likely to become customers. As your Facebook Ads agency, we target decision makers based on their interest in specific topics, fully exploit the potential of Facebook ads, and develop strategies that allow you to engage with them.

Set Goals
As your Facebook advertising agency, we first work with you to determine your goals. These goals can be more website traffic, more sales, or brand awareness.
Strategic Planning
We develop an advertising strategy to achieve your company's goals. This strategy may include factors such as identifying target audiences, choosing the right advertising format, managing the budget and measuring the advertising.
Create Ads
We create ads that are tailored to your goals. The ads can contain images, videos or plain text and are designed to appeal to the target audience.
Management and Optimization
We manage the advertising campaign within the budget we have set with you. This includes when we run the ads, how we determine the target group, and how we measure the advertising campaign. In the optimization phase, we continuously monitor and optimize the performance of your advertising campaigns. This includes how the ads reach your target group, which ad format delivers the best results, and how the budget is best used.
We provide reports that help you better understand campaign performance. These reports show how successful the campaign was and how much of the goals were achieved.

The right Facebook Ads Agency to grow your business.

How else can we help you?

Targeted Advertising:
Facebook allows ads to be served based on numerous factors such as demographics, interests, behaviors, and business sectors of the target audience. This allows B2B companies to show their ads only to people who are in the relevant field and use the advertising budget more effectively.
Monitoring and Measurement:
Facebook Ads make it possible to track and measure the performance of advertising campaigns. B2B companies can understand how advertising budgets are spent, which goals the campaigns achieve, and which target groups show more interest. This data can be used to optimize future advertising campaigns.
Lower Costs:
B2B Facebook ads can be more cost-effective than other traditional advertising methods. Facebook ads make it possible to achieve high sales even with a small part of the advertising budget.
More Interaction:
Facebook ads allow businesses to create more interaction with their target audience. With the ads, companies can promote their products and services and interact with potential decision makers in other companies.
Brand Awareness:
Facebook ads help companies increase their brand awareness. B2B companies can use Facebook ads to promote their brand to potential customers and business partners and increase their awareness in the industry.

We get to know you to understand your products and services, what differentiates you from your competitors, your target audience, your market and your competitive environment. We conduct an initial analysis of your digital channel content and search engine optimization progress, and work with you to develop a Facebook advertising strategy.

We define the goals of digital marketing, such as entering a new market, expanding market leadership in an existing market, or creating brand awareness among a specific target group. Once the goals are set, we prepare marketing campaigns to achieve them.

We constantly update your digital marketing strategies based on the data we gather from your current position and application reports. We measure your awareness in digital channels and share the results of your current strategy with you.


Problem Solving Facebook Ads Agency

Facebook advertising helps B2B companies increase sales and conversions, reduce bounce rates and scale quickly. 

This type of ads is created using only an image or a graphic and is designed to attract the user's attention and increase brand awareness. The main advantage of these ads is that they are easy to create. Moreover, high traffic can be achieved even with low budgets. Single display ads are often used for awareness or sensitization goals.

It is an ad with more than one image or video. Carousel ads allow users to rate different products or services. Users can view different products or services by swiping the ad left or right. Carousel ads are ideal for promoting the features of products or services or offering different options.

This is an ad that brings together several products. Users can choose from a range of products or services when they click on the ad. These ads are useful when a brand offers several different products or services. Collective ads allow users to view the products from multiple angles.

This type of ad is created in a video format and is often used to convey the brand's message or promote a product. On Facebook, there are four different lengths for video ads: 15 seconds or less, 15 seconds to 60 seconds, 60 seconds to 2 minutes, and longer than 2 minutes. Video ads usually have a higher click-through rate and more interactions than other types of ads.

It is created in live video format and allows brands to engage with their target audience in real time. Live advertising is ideal for events such as product launches, brand promotions, webinars, or events.

It is used to get target groups to express their opinions on specific topics. With the help of surveys, brands can learn more about their target groups and adjust their marketing strategies accordingly.

It is used in the Facebook Messenger application to interact with target audiences. Messenger ads offer users the opportunity to communicate directly with brands. Messenger ads can also be used to fulfill features such as special offers, customer service, and orders.

This type of ad is created in story format on Facebook and Instagram. Story ads are ideal for concise messages or quick promotions of products or services. Story ads can also include calls to action such as "Buy Now" or "Learn More" to help users take action quickly.

Digital Marketing Agency for All Your Needs

We thoroughly research your industry, your competitors, and your target audience to develop a Facebook advertising strategy that meets your marketing and sales goals.
Facebook advertising channel planning and strategy is the beginning of a successful marketing campaign. After the strategy we design as your Facebook advertising agency is approved, we implement the strategy with the help of our experienced digital marketing team.
Our goal is to achieve long-term, sustainable results for your brand. We constantly focus on performance and return on investment for your brand. That's why we analyze a campaign through detailed reporting and provide full transparency on our approach.

Why should you work with a Facebook Ads agency?

Facebook is one of the largest social media platforms with billions of users worldwide. Hence, it provides a great opportunity for businesses to interact with potential customers. However, creating and managing Facebook ads can be complex and time-consuming for executives and marketing teams.

  1. Expertise and Experience: Facebook advertising agencies specialize in creating and managing advertising campaigns. Agencies also make the most of their advertising budget by employing the best strategies to ensure ads reach their target audience. Plus, an experienced Facebook ad agency has the tools and data to measure the impact of ad campaigns and update strategies as needed.
  2. Better Targeting: Facebook ad agencies are using better targeting options to help businesses reach their audiences more accurately. Thus, it enables more efficient use of the advertising budget and higher conversions.
  3. Creative Ad Campaigns: Facebook ad agencies can offer creative ideas to make their ad campaigns effective. With creative advertising campaigns you can attract the attention and interest of potential customers.
  4. Saving More Time and Resources: Facebook ad agencies can reduce the time and resources business leaders and marketing teams spend on ad campaigns. Agencies handle processes such as creating, managing and optimizing advertising campaigns so business leaders and marketing teams can focus more time and resources on other business activities.
  5. Results Orientation: Facebook ad agencies focus on the results of their advertising campaigns and determine the strategies needed to drive targeted conversions. This allows companies to use their advertising budget more efficiently and achieve higher conversions.

Frequently asked questions about Facebook Ads Agency

A Facebook Ads agency is a company that offers services to help clients advertise on social media on Facebook. These agencies have experienced professionals who understand the intricacies of Facebook advertising. They often create and test multiple ad variations to find out what works best for their clients.

Facebook Ads agencies offer different pricing options depending on the scope of services required. This pricing policy can vary on an hourly or project basis depending on the budget, but it is also possible for an experienced Facebook marketing agency to charge a monthly fee for ongoing management.